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     S. was on it. I was surprised, not only because she usually came by bus but by the strange expression on her face. She walked up to me and remained mute. "Don't you have something for me?", I asked, referring to the 65,000. She looked right through me and said, "Everything went just fine. I sold your place , but you won't get a penny!". At that instant, I felt someone grip my arms from behind and a voice say, "You're under arrest". I couldn't believe my ears nor how I'd been played for a fool up to the very end. I pushed the arresting officer with all my force, yelling towards S., " You bitch, you snake!! The policeman fell backward and lost his grip, I tried to escape through the rush-hour crowd but someone tripped me up and when I fell, a half dozen plainclothes policemen fell on me kicking and punching me.My face was covered with blood.

    I even heard, as if in a dream, the voice of S.'s father, covering me with his favorite insults and threatening me with death if I ever got out of jail. I turned my face to the side when the blows subsided and the handcuffs went on and he was indeed there, leering and chuckling and holding S. by the arm. She had the emptiest look on her face, as if she really had been hypnotized. S.'s father leaped for joy and ran after me as the police dragged me to the wagon congratulating themselves on their catch, with all these means they could have put "Carlos" out of commission for good!   
    A little girl came out of the crowd as we prepared to leave and passed notebooks and pencils to me that she had picked up after the scuffle. I think that she was the only one who realized the reality and the gravity of what had just happened and that this was not a film.