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     Since the invention of the first tool, man has not ceased to build upon and refine the technology of his forebears. Always moving forward, faster and faster, he (almost) never returns to making what has already been done (unless it is to sell to others). We are inundated with modern articles which invade our home and work space. The watch at our wrist, the radio we listen to, the television, the telephone that carries our voices thousands of kilometers, the electricity that changes night to day, perhaps a row of teeth made of a modern synthetic substance, a battery that keeps the heart beating, the eye of a dead stranger that gives our failing sight new clarity. The cars, the boats, the planes, the instruments of war, the vehicles of travel in space, of interplanetary voyages, nuclear and biological weapons, skyscrapers, computers, military and industrial research; all this depending on hundreds of thousands human beings in perpetual activity.
     We have imposed on ourselves a new frame of reference, that of a life parallel to that of nature, a "nature" made entirely by man, which is not live, but influences our lives at the deepest level. Tis is "high technology".
   I wanted the faces that I painted to contain tons of information, life with all its facets and complexity, without lines of demarcation between anatomy and technology. This was to be the birth of the "physical-mechanical" being. In my view, our inventions have become our sixth sense, our third hand, our wings, eyes and brains for specific tasks and today represent an inseparable part of our daily lives.

  I had to repaint the same face twenty times. I wanted to create a never-before-seen face, a man with a technological as well as a cultural heritage. A man with his anxieties, his joy and pain of which our advanced technology is symbolic and also the consequences associated with this sometimes too-rapid modernization with its inevitable negative repercussions on our fragile environment. A man-machine which nonetheless prevails as a man.
 It is no longer necessity which drives the desire for technological advances. The need for riches and power is the new motor for invention. The root of western technology began in its rich past, but is now based on the "give and take" of information on a grand scale, colossal amounts of money, the globalization and systematization of international economic interests.